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Dialectical Behavior Therapy

What is DBT?

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) combines standard cognitive-behavioral techniques for emotion regulation with concepts of distress tolerance, acceptance, and mindful awareness largely derived from Zen practice. DBT treats people with issues that range in intensity from mild to severe and include such problems as anger and other emotion management issues, relationship issues, substance abuse, eating disorders, self-harm and suicidality.  DBT is considered the gold standard for the treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder although has expanded to treat a range of issues.


73 Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and 20 meta-analyses show that DBT can improve one's ability to deal with crisis situations more effectively without resorting to self-destructive behaviors. Twenty-one randomized controlled/comparative clinical trials at fourteen independent sites have shown that DBT reduces problem behavior, increases emotional stability, reduces/eliminates self-harming, reduces/eliminates suicidal urges/actions (as well as psychiatric hospitalizations), improves functioning and communication in interpersonal relationships, reduces/eliminates alcohol and drug abuse, and reduces/eliminates binge eating and bulimia among other behavioral compulsions. 


Alicia Lesniak and Danielle Mullon are both certified by Marsha Linehan's Board of Certification and are members of a DBT consultation team of experienced therapists that meet weekly to ensure clients receive the highest level of care here in Miami and Charleston.


For more information on DBT visit:

DBT Center of Miami & Charleston

In order to enter our DBT program, a client must be evaluated by a member of our DBT counseling center to assess if DBT is needed and assess the client’s readiness to participate actively in DBT treatment.  Clients are then fully oriented to the program before being asked to commit to six months of weekly individual sessions as well as weekly DBT group sessions.  This orientation period is a crucial part of the process since it helps clients prepare to get the most from our program.  Sometimes clients are ready to enter group in a few sessions while other times it requires many weeks or months. 


Four Components of our Miami/Charleston DBT program


  • 7-9 commitment to complete weekly DBT groups

  • Weekly individual DBT sessions

  • Phone coaching as needed

  • Weekly consultation team for DBT therapists 


Four Modules Taught in DBT Group


  • Mindfulness skills

  • Distress tolerance skills

  • Emotion regulation skills

  • Interpersonal effectiveness skills

Time Magazie - Great Scientists - Marsha Linehan DBT creator - MiMo Psychotherapy Group

Dr. Marsha Linehan - Creator of DBT

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